Thursday, February 21, 2013


I am on a quest to create a healthier and more pure lifestyle for my husband and I, especially as we work towards expanding our family.

After dealing with a miscarriage last year and subsequent difficulties with conceiving again, we have decided to try to detox our diets and our home.

I'm a beginner at all of this, which begs the question, why isn't this the way the general public lives if it really is a healthier life? In all of the research I've been doing over the past few months, I believe that companies and people seek the easiest, most convenient ways to do things and sacrifice health and well-being for it.

As someone dealing with endocrine system/hormonal imbalances (will address in a future post) and a husband with terrible asthma and high cholesterol, I can't help but wonder how food and toxins in everyday things we encounter have attributed to our health problems.

I will be blogging about all of the great ideas I have found from others willing to share and I have decided to implement into our house.

So what can you expect to see here?

1. Diet Changes - eating real foods and learning new and better ingredients to use
2. Natural Body Care - using toxic free products on our skin
3. Natural Cleaning Products - DIY products for a toxic free home

This is definitely a journey and a process. We also feel it is important for us not to waste things we already have because we are on a budget (who isn't??). So as we finish up bottles of harsher cleaners, detergents or soaps, they will be replaced with not only more eco-friendly but people-friendly products. As nice as it would be to just start from scratch, we aren't able to do that and will try to concentrate on specific areas as they come up. This will also help the process to seem less overwhelming and can help me spread out my research.

I hope you will enjoy Seeking Pure Living along with me!

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